- To teach how to avoid untimely death through behavioural changes.
- Proffer solutions and support for health problems associated with ageing.
- A forum where the ageing are exhorted to lay hold on the word of God that they may know who they are in Christ and the things God has freely provided in Christ.
- Opportunity for planned outreach to the elderly.
- Deal with issues associated with economic empowerment through advisory roles.
- Help educate and encourage members to eat right and exercise.
- Impact the community through charity initiatives and humanitarian services.
- Seek legislation to support care for the elderly.
- Any other programmes relating to ageing support.
The programmes carried out by the fellowship are designed to help achieve the GRAF vision. We design programmes to achieve the objectives as set out below. Each chapter is to come up with programmes and activities that should provide members information and resources which when applied should lead to Graceful Ageing. Chapter leaders should avoid being the teacher but seek professionals, experts and people gifted who are very knowledgeable to minister and pass knowledge, information and other resources to members.
OBJECTIVE 1: To teach how to avoid untimely death through behavioural changes. We provide information on the risks or dangers of current behaviours or practices by inviting speakers and experts in the given area, who will explain the risks, e.g. smoking versus effect on the lungs, liver and consequent heart attacks. We invite professionals who will propose a life style change or change of habits that will ensure healthy living. The chapter leaders should address common habits that are capable of leading to sudden death and ask speakers to emphasize their risks.
OBJECTIVE 2: Proffer solutions and support for health problems associated with ageing. The chapter leaders should make a list of such e.g. Arthritis, cataract, atherosclerosis, wrinkling of the skin, cancers (prostrate, breast, cervical etc.), menopause and andropause, heart diseases, diabetes, hypertension, weight gain in the abdomen, obesity, back pains, loss of teeth, stiffness of the muscles, waist pains, osteoporosis, poor immune systems, ear problems (loss of hearing). Get the best experts in the community to speak on these, stressing the causes effects, management and what the individual can do to minimize or reduce their effects.
Members need to know that good health is a state of complete physical, mental, social and spiritual wellbeing and not necessarily the absence of sickness and diseases. A healthy life style rests on at least three pillars: The spiritual/moral, the physical and the mental/emotional. Health is as important as prosperity and spiritual exploits that is why the scripture in 3 John vs.2 states: Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health even as thy soul prospereth. It is a healthy man or woman that can effectively do the works of God. By his stripes we were healed so that we can be in a state of good health. Chapter leaders should teach regularly on healthy living and what constitutes a healthy life style. Ageing members who already have any of these ageing diseases need to be taught how to manage these conditions, minimize their effects. Every member should know his or her state of health and what to do in emergencies.
OBJECTIVE 3: A forum where the ageing are exhorted to lay hold on the word of God that they may know who they are in Christ. Knowing who we are helps us to function in the capacity of our election. A President, Governor, legislature who does not know the authority conferred and the powers of his office will not function and will be a lame duck. Politicians are elected by people; Christians have the election of God (Eph 1: 5 – having predestined us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will. Romans 9: 11 that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works, but of Him that calleth. 2 nd Peter 1: 10 Therefore, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure.
GRAF’s emphasis is that we must know who we are in Christ our new position by which authority we are now seated in heavenly places with Christ. From the fallen Adam to the new man, the risen Christ. The knowledge of who we are, and what God in Christ has by the cross provided. Paul praying for the Christian in Eph 1: 16-23, the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, the exceeding greatness of His power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of His mighty powers and in verse 3-4 said the Lord Jesus has blessed us with ALL spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ as He has chosen us in Him before the foundation of the world. That we should be holy and without blame before Him in love. It is exciting if we get to appreciate who we are in Him, e.g., In him we have redemption through His blood (vs. 7). He hath abounded towards us in all wisdom and prudence (v8) Has made known unto us the mystery of His will (vs. 9) In whom we have obtained an inheritance (vs. 11) In whom we were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise (vs. 12) Therefore if God be for us who can be against us (vs 31) That we are to be to the praise of His glory.
Chapter leaders will ensure that at every monthly programme, the word is preached to educate the Christian on his position, rights and privileges. Bible studies and prayer meetings should be organized bi-weekly or as may be feasible to ensure the ageing is familiar with God’s promises for Him and can claim them by exercising his faith through prayers, praise and testimonies.
Every member should be challenged to grow in the knowledge of God and His word. Topical book and character studies of the bible should be encouraged. Baptism of the Holy Spirit with speaking in tongues and all spiritual gifting should be taught and encouraged. 2 Timothy 3: 16-18 All scripture is given by the inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works Spiritual growth equips the ageing as role models and effective leaders at home, amongst the youths and in communities. Study to show yourself approved, a servant that needeth not be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth. This is our priority mission.
OBJECTIVE 4: Opportunity for planned outreach to the elderly. The essence of equipping the man of God is for good works, be a co-labourer with Christ. GRAF is a forum for the 40/50 year olds to teach each other ageing principles. It is an opportunity to reach out for good works love, witness, edify, and teach kingdom principles. The chapter leaders should encourage people to invite their unbelieving friends to hear the word of God or be prayed for. People within the target group who are going through problems of any sort should be invited and ministered unto. There should be an effective follow up of those who come to the knowledge of Christ, the sick and needy, the bereaved and the hurting. Members should be encouraged to have kingdom mentality- labourers with Christ. Outreach programmes where the ageing may be found should be organized. Such programmes may be to advertise the ministry’s objectives and invite people to join. The following membership drives or outreach programmes should be organized quarterly:
- Small groups 2-4 members sent to different churches to explain within 10-30 minutes the programmes of GRAF and invite members in the age bracket to attend the next programmes.
Small group to visit different clubs Tennis, squash, village, age-grades meetings, social clubs, home/cell meetings to explain GRAF programmes as above.
- Corporate outreach visit to big organizations, ministries or the legislature to market GRAF programmes or conduct GRAF weekend programme or retreat for the organization. Encourage the organization to have wellness programmes or physical exercises programmes for staff periodic outdoor exercise programme, equip a gym for staff and have GRAF seminars for the ageing staff.
- A few members can go into the by-ways and high-ways of human traffic and distribute GRAF flyers and invitations as regular chapter outreach programmes which shall be included in chapter monthly reports.
The chapter/zonal/national coordinator will send a monthly/quarterly outreach and activity report to the next level of leadership. The report shall highlight the following:
- Activities held with objectives achieved
- Number of new members at those activities
- Number of people who received Christ
- Total offerings/pledges and donations received for the month in all programmes
- Total expenses incurred at all programmes.
OBJECTIVE 5: Deal with issues associated with economic empowerment through advisory roles.
The world economy today is managed currently by people within the age bracket of 35-60, where a very high percentage belongs to the ageing. Most Chief Executives of blue chip companies fall within this age bracket. It is therefore hoped that GRAF will attract people whose life experiences, training and achievements and spirituality will come handy in handling economic and empowerment issues that face members. Through seminars, workshops, monthly meetings such members will pass information and knowledge to others, by teaching on business, investment, retirement planning topics. These teachings will profit those still in business, planning to invest or retire, those entering into partnership with others. The Ministry will provide information on governmental and non-governmental programmes. God is the foundation for financial success as it is the Lord that teaches us to make profit and He will direct us to His hidden riches. Such scriptural teachings will be made available to the members. Topics such as starting and managing your own business, planning your retirement and after retirement what next? have been taught in GRAF meetings. Chapters will seek assistance for the ageing who are interested in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs loans, poverty eradication programmes, acquire new skills; organize seminars on finance, investment, co-operative formations.
OBJECTIVE 6: Help educate and encourage members to eat right and exercise: To exercise and to eat right are two key components of physical health and wellness. GRAF considers them important for ageing. Christians who combine both well are happiest for it. (a) Physical Fitness for many Christians is a big issue because they live in air-conditioned houses, work in air-conditioned offices and drive air-conditioned cars (that I do). Some have never sweated through an exercise of any sort in the last 12 months. Our Lord Jesus walked from city to city with His disciples even though in His time there were donkeys. Some have given up on themselves arguing they have no need to look attractive so they allow bodies sagging from all sides yet buy expensive dresses and jewelry to cover them. Many men look pregnant, 1 Timothy 4: 8 For bodily exercise profiteth little, (like the faith of a mustard seed size) that little profit in bodily exercise helps lubricate your arthritis, veins, muscles, joints, heart, and burns up fats and detoxifies you. In GRAF we make exercising a regular feature either at our meetings or a fixed time every week. We encourage members to exercise at home at least 30 minutes a day brisk walking, climbing stairs, riding bicycles, dancing, skipping ropes, use gyms, play tennis (lawn/table tennis) squash, football. Regular exercise will minimize incidences of arthritis, stroke, heart attack, obesity, big tummies/stomach, effects of diabetes and hypertensions etc.
Every chapter should plan regular exercise and have an expert/executive responsible for physical exercise. Members must be challenged to exercise regularly.
(b) Ageing and diet is a topic every one of us should be interested in. Diet and exercise determine to a large extent our state of physical health. God in Gen 6: 3 made available to us 120 years as life span. Apostle Paul talked about running a race which we have to win. The Christian is an athlete in a long distance race. He has to be fit and discipline himself in running the race. In 1 Cor 9: 24-27, Paul wished to finish the race so he therefore disciplined and controlled his body to the utmost just like the Olympian athlete. He controlled what he ate and drank and what he did with his body and mind. The temple of God which we are should be preserved. Many of us are ignorant of what constitutes good food or what nourishes our bodies. Some eat for taste or out of habit, or live to eat instead of eat to live. GRAF invites doctors and nutritionists to teach on diets. There are several combinations of diets depending on the health and need of the individual. We know about hallelujah diet, raw food, vegan diet, the zone diet, low-carbohydrate diet, the food-combing and acid/alkaline diet, food for blood type, juicing and biblical diet. Each chapter should invite experts to educate members on best practices. However what applies for a diabetic may not apply for a cancer patient, however the biblical diet in Genesis Chapter 1: 29-30 is always a safe ground. This was validated by Daniel and his brothers in Daniel Chapter 1: 8-16 and the Israelites in Numbers 11: 4-6 who missed their vegetable in the wilderness.
There are recommended foods for various health conditions. Members should be encouraged to see qualified and experienced nutritionists and healthy life style experts. Juicing as recommended by Dr. N. W. Walker in his book Fresh vegetables and fruit juices makes an interesting reading. There is the need to eat to live, and not live to eat. Learn to eat bitter healthy foods, exercise regularly, find opportunity for leisure and avoid situations that will create tension or tense you up so that you can Age Gracefully.
Mental Health: This is a key area in our wellness that GRAF focuses on. The fact is that whatever affects your emotion affects your health. People who are happy recover faster than those who are unhappy. A merry heart is like good medicine Prov. 17:22 what is on your mind affects your emotion and your health. Those who learn to cast their cares on the Lord, live happier than those who struggle with all their problems tensing themselves up. Therefore a positive mind-set generates happiness, whilst a negative mind-set, the opposite. As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he (Prov. 23: 7), what we allow to dominate our mind enslaves us, the battle for happiness, joy, peace and fear, worry, and sadness are all in our minds. The devil bombards our minds with nagging thoughts, suspicions, doubts, fears, wonderings, reasonings, theories, insecurities, lusts, seductions, accusations because he knows our weaknesses. He comes to destroy our joy and trust in God and His finished work (Eph 6:12 We are wrestling with principalities and powers. If we fail to apply 2 Cor. 10: 4-5, i.e., cast down all imaginations and thought that exalts themselves above our knowledge of God and His finished work and use the word of God to bring them into obedience, we will be miserable believers. Chapter leaders must teach victory in the finished work and the need to have a positive mind-set. Every problem will come to pass and things are not as bad as the devil paints them. Live by the Spirit and you will not fulfill the desires of the flesh. Professionals and experts including ministers should be used to teach on physical wellness and health.
OBJECTIVE 7 : Impact our community through charity initiatives and humanitarian services.
The fellowship should respond to needs in our communities, such needs that touch the lives of members, orphans, widows, the homeless, victims, the aged and refugees. Planned support visits are to be organized by chapters in line with their resources and abilities of members. The fellowship will seek to provide in Abuja and other cities, facilities for old people’s homes, remand homes and other facilities for aged senile community members under the care of professionals.
OBJECTIVE 8 : Seek legislation to support care for the elderly. The fellowship as a voice for the ageing and the aged shall support, propose, and lobby legislatures for bills and laws in each country of existence for support and care for the elderly. GRAF should co-operate with other NGO’s or Governments to push for welfare packages for the elderly and create national awareness on the plight of the ageing.
OBJECTIVE 9: Other programmes relating to ageing support: GRAF is evolving, and will include programmes for the aged as led by the Holy Spirit e.g. GRAF plans to build in key state capitals Recreational Centers (Old People’s Homes) which will not be residential but allows old people to be dropped off in the morning to interact and socialize with others and return home at night, obtain data on the aged or ageing, introduce ageing single-parents programmes, create vocational centers, craft and cultural centers for the ageing, cooperate with other international organizations on joint actions or affirmative action plans on the ageing/aged.
NOTE: All the above programmes may not be fulfilled at the same time; each chapter will take on programmes according to their abilities and resources.
The Funding of GRAF chapters shall be through the following sources:
- The freewill offering from members which are to be taken during each of the evening meetings.
- Through members who shall be encouraged to sponsor programmes.
- Through pledges and donations from members and non-members who share in GRAF’s visions, missions and its programmes.
- Through levies (if accepted and acceptable to members for the achievement of set objectives (otherwise, it should be discouraged or left out).
- Through membership dues. However, the minimum membership dues of not less than 5 dollar equivalent in the local currency per annum may be applied by the chapters. Chapters shall, depending on the country and locality decide on the amount to be paid of which 50% shall be remitted to the International Office with members details
- Sale of GRAF materials, DVD’s. Books, stickers, products, properties & leases etc.
- Any affiliation support with International organizations.
- Membership of GRAF is free for all from the age of 50 and above in every nation of the world. However, younger people are allowed to attend GRAF meetings to benefit from the programmes. They are therefore encouraged to join.
- GRAF, as a faith-based NGO, has no denominational affiliations or church ambitions other than the shared goals, values and faith in God.
- The minimum membership dues of not less than 5 dollar equivalent in the local currency per annum may be applied by chapters. 50% of membership registration fees shall be remitted to the International headquarters with the names and forms details filled by the member for processing at the GRAF headquarters. It is clear that such dues cannot fund GRAF activities, therefore members are expected to give generously. Donations, pledges, sponsorships, paying for meeting places etc. should be encouraged.
- Members are expected to share their faith and benefits from GRAF with their friends.
- Members are expected to give out the GRAF literatures and brochures, invitation cards or invite people to GRAF meetings.
- Members are expected regularly to go to churches or clubs and other public places or functions to share the message of GRAF with the congregations.
- Activities of GRAF are to be hosted on the Internet and GRAF website is to be updated regularly.
- Members shall find opportunities to find linkages for GRAF with other organizations that have similar aims and activities with GRAF � other NGO’s, Church groups, United Nations or International Groups etc.
- Members shall use their positions to propagate the ministry of GRAF and in starting of new chapters.